
We specialize in developing and operating WordPress-based websites and web creation tools with the most significant number of users worldwide. WordPress’ robust features and various plugins enable development and operation without a developer.

GIT plans a process optimized for various solutions including WordPress and builds a service. Complex services can be developed and operated efficiently by combining various plug-ins that meet customer needs. We reliably implement high-quality services without costly and time-consuming in-house development.

Save time and money and build efficient services with GIT.


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Business Brokerage

Business brokerage is more than just a transaction—it requires precise market analysis and target matching to ensure a successful sale or acquisition. Additionally, business valuation helps establish an optimal price to maintain competitiveness. Confidentiality is also an essential part of the process. GIT Consulting protects clients’ business value by providing comprehensive brokerage services based on trust and transparency. GIT Consulting’s business brokerage services include F&B business brokerage, franchise and small business brokerage, startup and tech company brokerage, and cross-border M&A support. Furthermore, our extensive network and years of expertise empower clients to explore new business opportunities.


We support overall brand strategy establishment, including brand identity (BI) concept development, brand naming, and brand communication plan.


We support establishment of marketing strategies such as corporate reputation analysis, customer loyalty analysis, customer experience redesign, and ways to maximize marketing capabilities.


We support the production of services such as benchmarking and preliminary research, online business planning, information structure design, prepare overall planning documents and also provide design service.